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Benefits of Cooking & Cooking papa's games  Play

There was a time in your childhood when you borrowed your mother's apron and served make-believe meals. Or perhaps you are sitting at the table, waiting for your playmates to complete "cooking."

Before the advent of papa's games games, pretend play was the source of pure happiness. Encourage your youngster to play this traditional game with a wooden kitchen set so that he or she might reap the following advantages:

Children who cook with their parents are more likely to make good food choices, according to studies. You can begin with a wooden kitchen playset if your youngster is too young. Luke Wood, health and wellness expert at Monkeyfoodz, suggests creating a positive association with fruits and vegetables by preparing tasty meals with them.

Creativity and imagination are heightened.

For children, pretending to be a chef, waiter, or an adult making his or her own supper is a fun activity. They can make original dishes and experiment with various ingredients. Simultaneously, they envision situations involving the equipment and utensils. Typically, kids attempt to imitate adults' actions and speech in the kitchen. You may be shocked by how perceptive kids are!

Enhances communication abilities

Role-playing in the kitchen requires youngsters to communicate. They will learn new words such as "toast," "bake," and "stir." As their enthusiasm in this game grows, kids may likely ask you to identify each piece of their playset. Consequently, their vocabulary expands.

Your child expresses himself or herself creatively through kitchen-themed pretend play. He or she may be required to imitate a specific role and use words to characterize that function. Learn here how to communicate effectively with children.


A kitchen playset can inspire your child to engage in cooperative play, so fostering his or her social development. It is normal for children to want to share their enthusiasm over their new toys. They can discuss who should play particular roles, what to cook, and how to prepare it, all of which encourages teamwork.

Your child will also learn to consider the thoughts and perspectives of others.


Permitting your youngster to experiment with a kitchen set can foster a sense of independence, so enhancing his or her self-esteem. It will appear as though you have confidence in their abilities, which is why you allow them to cook food, even if it is fictitious.

Consider using this opportunity to teach your child about practical matters, such as cleaning the kitchen after use, putting away the cutlery, and washing produce prior to cooking. Try to instill certain values by emphasizing that there is no shortcut to cooking and the importance of always thanking the person who made the meal. Here are some confidence-building activities for kids.


During a kitchen role play, numerous scenarios can arise that children will need to resolve. These include missing tools, inadequate food, and items that will not fit in the pot.
